Thursday, July 10, 2008


It all depends on how you look at it... you have to option to adjust it... you can have a different look at it... but the best is when it moves you to go further...

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Blinds & Shadows

Cosina VAF 35mm, originally uploaded by Tamiro.

“Like our shadows,
Our wishes lengthen as our sun declines.”

Cosina VAF 35mm

Standing on thge edge of The sky

Lomo Fisheye 2, originally uploaded by Tamiro.

“When you have come to the edge of all the light you have
And step into the darkness of the unknown
Believe that one of the two will happen to you
Either you'll find something solid to stand on
Or you'll be taught how to fly!”

Lomo Fish Eye 2, Expired Kodak Gold 100

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Newbie shots in Makati
Holga 120FN using expired Fujichrome Astia 120